If you’re a long-time reader of this site, you likely know that my passion is helping people create their first board game. After all, that’s what the Start to Finish: Publish and Sell Your First Board Game series is all about.
But, of course, you shouldn’t just rely on one guide on one website! You’d be missing a ton of useful information. That’s why I wanted to take a moment to shout out Joe Slack’s website, The Board Game Design Course.
Click here to check out The Board Game Design Course.
There are two things I particularly like about Joe’s approach to teaching game design:
Joe’s reached out to a wide variety of game designers, so you’ll hear a lot of diverse opinions on how to create great games. The sheer variety of sources of advice that he makes available, particularly in the Board Game Design Virtual Summit, means that someone, somewhere will say something that will really resonate with you.
He’s providing learning material in multiple formats, including books, courses, a virtual design summit, and a blog. The blog is updated weekly, just like this one, with posts that go into detail on all kind of important game design information. He also does weekly mailers, too!
The courses, design summit, and books cost money, it’s true, but they’re also thoughtfully crafted and reasonably priced. Like a lot of folks, I’m super skeptical about “online courses.” Still, knowing how much work goes into making them, any thoughtfully made ones under the $300 range are worth considering.
Click here to check out The Board Game Design Course.
Overall, if you’re looking for more board game design advice, Joe’s site is a good place to start!
On that note, this is the first time I’ve made a whole post to shout out another blog. Let me know if there’s anyone else whose work you like in the comments below. I get a lot of traffic from Google these days and would love an opportunity to boost the visibility of other thoughtful creators. I’m especially interested in anyone who shares my mission: to help first time board game designers get started!